Saturday, July 26, 2008

hey dude!!

hi fren.. long tym no c liao ler.. how's u guys?? juz wanna inform u guys that i'll going to russia on23th of sep.. will be going back to sabah on 6th of sep.. hope still can meet u guys that tym.. those kk n sarawak ppl better do back on that tym la.. then i can meet u guys b4 i leave coz during chi new year i won't come back to m'sia but i back on july of year2009.. hehe=) miss u guys so much ler..

Saturday, July 12, 2008

recently US

hey hey!!!on 11july we (me,alex,foo,waenyien,weicing,ahlai,and etc) went to pyramid gathering n chit-chatting!!!wuakkakka....!!i went to skin food to buy nail polish...nice dao bao la!!!haha=p...then ho...alex b my model...haha...isnt he gay???haha!!!
we hav a good nite...i enjoy alot....just hope dat thr will b more chance to gather around....hope to hav a big reunion!!!!hiak hiak...miss all of zhong's buddies....!!!! another guy...whc is known as "my dear"...haha...he is so "shuai" with me rite???hahhahahah!!!hepi viewing we '三剑客‘!!!!。。。

Raja Petra says, 'Justice My Ass !!'

Apparently this is an email i just received. Well perhaps this thing has existed for ages but I'm thinking maybe i should post it here in case you guys haven't seen this before..I'm so pissed right now..but again..cant do anything to help..what the hell are all these about?! It's a total racial discrimination! damn it..not me saying..Malaysia is gonna be over soon..not far in the future..there will be no longer a country called Malaysia...urgh! screw those stupid wacky foolish goddamn MALAY politicians.. screw screw screw!! and by the way, don't forget to thank Abdula Badawi or whoever the current PM is for leading us to such a bright future..XD Here's the article:

Here's ANOTHER Reason NON-Malays Should NOT Vote UMNO in Any Future General Elections and Bye-Elections

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Read here from M'sians Unplugged ....

Average Non-Malay Malaysians and NON-Malay Bumiputras have LITTLE future for their children and their grandchildren IF they still vote Barisan Nasional which allows UMNO to remain in Government - it was before, it is today, and it will be tomorrow..

from article by Raja Petra Kamarudin

Raja Petra Kamarudin

'Last month,
Umno Johor said that the greatest mistake they made was in giving the non-Malay immigrants citizenship in August 1957.. Now that they have been given citizenship they show their ingratitude by voting for the opposition.
Yes, non-Malays, even those born in Malaysia , are immigrants. And, being immigrants, they must vote Barisan Nasional. And if they do not vote for Barisan Nasional then they are ungrateful.

Yes, voting is your right. This is your right according to the Federal Constitution of Malaysia. Malays can vote for whomsoever they would like to vote for because the Constitution allows them to do so. Malays, therefore, can vote for the opposition.
But, if you are non-Malay, then you must vote for Barisan Nasional because you are an immigrant. If you vote for the opposition then you are a traitor, you are ungrateful, and it was a great mistake giving you citizenship in 1957.

Tun Dr Mahathir's father was born in INDIA.
But Tun Dr Mahathir can vote opposition. He can even oppose Umno like he is doing so now. In fact, he can even become the Prime Minister. He is not an ungrateful immigrant who should be sent back to India .
Tian Chua, however, can't oppose Umno. Tian Chua, whose family settled in Malaya long before the Portuguese came in 1511, is an immigrant. And if he is not happy and if he opposes Umno then he should go back to China .

And Umno Johor regrets giving Tian Chua citizenship in 1957 but does not regret giving Tun Dr Mahathir citizenship.

Why? Because Tun Dr Mahathir is Muslim while Tian Chua is not.
But if Tian Chua circumcises and takes on the Muslim name of Musa Bin Susah and marries a Malay woman, then he need not go back to China and Umno does not regret giving him citizenship in 1957.

The Malays have a very warped view of justice. Malays practice two standards of justice.
There is one standard for the Malays and another for the non-Malays.
90% of the tax is paid by the NON-Malays and 10% by the Malays, says Tun Dr Mahathir.
10% of the scholarships must go to the NON-Malays and 90% to the Malays.
And when they propose to change this to 40% for the non-Malays and 60% for the Malays, the Malays raise a hue and cry.
And they call this justice. And they say Islam is about justice..'


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Adorable Possum

feeling so cold in this blog for a couple of days... i found something cute in my campus on the way i walked to S block to have practical experiment today... Its POSSUM!! actually it consider as a pest in australia because it spread germs. it usually active at night but this 2 cute possums i saw at day time!!! there is something wrong with one of its eyes which may cause by exposure to too much sunlight... poor mother possum... enjoy these pics!!